It's 4 umom
Join Us!
Our group meets in the church fellowship hall from 6:30-8:30 pm the first Monday of each month (October through May). We gather young moms and mentor moms to discuss pertinent topics of interest, invite speakers to share spiritual insights to help raise your children, and provide snacks/meals, crafts, and door prizes: it’s a free night out for moms to hang out together. You do not have to be a member of Grace to join us. Our topics have included: Breast Cancer Awareness, Thanksgiving and Christmas Traditions, Words from a Pediatrician, Cake Decorating, Nutrition, Love and Marriage, Self Defense, Financial Freedom, Fitness and Spa Nights, and more. We are establishing friendships in a fun atmosphere and have a unique camaraderie as moms meet together! Join us!

Ladies' Bible Study
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Donna Block teaches the Ladies Bible Study at Grace Bible Baptist Church. The ladies meet on Tuesday mornings from 10 a.m. - 12 noon, September through May. It is a sweet time of testimonies, singing, studying God's Word and praying together. All ages are welcome to attend. The Bible Study attendance usually averages about 35 ladies. Donna loves to study and present the Word. Donna was saved here at Grace at the age of 22. She loves spending time with her husband Mark, 3 children and 5 grandchildren. Her son is a Pastor in Cincinnati and her daughters are actively involved in their churches. Come and enjoy this rich time of fellowship.